by Alex Dameus
The saying goes…
“Pressure makes Diamonds”
Yet so often overlooked,
Is the coal.
Rough and unrefined,
Darkened through experience,
Yet expected to become flawless.
How exactly?
First, you must seal away all impurities:
-Look Proper
-Speak Properly
-Act Properly
*This coal is now… appropriate, to become a diamond, but it still needs much refining
You must add pressure.
Remember, we’re making diamonds here, the standard doesn’t cut it. We need Excellence. The pressure you’ll need must be skull-splitting. It must exceed the depths of the trenches unknown. You must be Perfect in all that you do.
*At this point the coal has condensed to a nameless shade of noire bound by responsibility and stress. Yet FAR from flawless…
One last factor: Heat
“What’s at stake?” “How much can you lose?” “Will it be worth it?”
Heat will come from what can be lost, anxiety being the spark to the uncontrolled fire.
This must burn inside of you hotter than the light that wakes the earth. Singeing the lungs at each gasp for air as you so desperately search for the way to salvation to no avail.
Year after year… After year... After Year… AFTER Year… AFTER YEAR.
A Stranger….
*CONGRATULATIONS!! You’ve now become a Diamond.