Angelica Victor
Sitting in my dining room.
Time finally sits still.
The sun is shining a bit brighter today
Its luminance casting its shadow on the furniture
Its warmth whisking this home into a tight embrace.
The morning dove is singing louder than usual
Its tune softens the creeks of the cupboards
and soothes the groans of a day’s chaos
Its melody rocking me back into the throws of nostalgia.
Sitting in my dining room.
Absorbing this sweet moment.
Admiring a silent hum I haven't heard in days
Being pulled in closer as the song gets louder,
I can finally rest, as life finally seems to align.
Sitting in my dining room.
Wouldnt look this beautiful
Had I not woken up at 2 am
Lost amidst the echos of a breakup
A mere four days since our paths diverged
And God, my thoughts were still so loud
Each shouting for my attention.
Sitting in my dining room
Wouldnt sound this sweet
Had my next-door neighbor not called construction workers
jackhammer their driveway at 7am
Had my dentist not called 3 times this morning after finding out
got new insurance
Sitting in my dining room this afternoon
Wouldnt feel this still
Had my thoughts not kept me up at night,
Had the chaos of days not sculpted such serenity.
So as I sit in this quiet room,
I savor the solitude born from strife,
For it's through hardship that joy blossoms,
And transform the ordinary into life.

