Grace's Room
Imani Grace West
She always kept the windows open
to help her remember the sunshine,
the warmth of its fiery glow in springtime,
the balmy air wafting in, enveloping her
in its gentle grasp.
Petals and paisley lined the walls,
swirling about photographs
of unfamiliar faces,
faces that mirror hers
The silent thief had come
To steal the life she knew and
it to
I always wondered what it was like
to look in the mirror
never knowing the person you’ll find
on the other side,
to look at lines and wrinkles
and forget the years of smiles and laughter
that created them
In Grace’s room,
more savior than sanctuary,
more refuge than respite,
I recall when she forgot my name
yet always smiled when her eyes
fell upon my small frame
As I lie awake here on the floor,
the lingering smell of
peppermint tea and butterscotch fill
this dream of petals and paisley
I am reminded that life can still be sweet
Even though I seldom have
the luxury of remembering.
