Xavier Hawkins

When life was simple,
I’d saddle Whitey—
a nag named for his snowy coat—
and we’d ride down to the center
of the pasture to care for the cows.
When life was simple,
the cattle flourished:
ate the hay and prepared to procreate
so the cycle could continue.
When life was simple,
We’d chop the trees to
furnish firewood and heat.
When life was simple,
I longed to never leave.
It’s been ten summers since
life was last simple.
Whitey has passed and the cows
have become the grass.
The cycle continued.
Maybe life is still simple.

I Cry Cute
Every soul’s goal is to garner glee.
Nobody can control what they’re feeling except
Jehovah. As Christ eyes my futile pursuit
of joy, He must be smiling. Maybe
God smiles because He knows how pleased
I’ll be on the other side. Maybe
Jesus just likes the way I cry.

Whale Song
With four hundred pounds of love lodged
inside, I dive three hundred feet into
the sea to see if I can’t
escape reality. My elusion is limited. When
I expel painful past and inhale hopeful
present, please meet me at the surface.
I’ll show you how shallow I’m not.